How To Protect Your Pets From Fleas This Spring
Enjoy The Spring Season With Your Groomed Dog
When you and your family take pleasure in the warm weather of spring and summer, don’t forget to take steps to help guard your dog against fleas and ticks. In most climates protection from these uncanny crawlers is suggested, but now is the time to be extra careful with your flea and tick prevention. So, how can you keep your dog, flea and tick free this season? Here you can go through the following list.
Flea and Tick Prevention and Treatment Options
1. Spot-On Treatment:
Spot on flea treatment can be applied in seconds and provide month-long protection from the blood sucking parasites. This is a topical treatment. The liquid can be applied on the body of your pet by pouring the liquid, on the back and just between the shoulders. This liquid topical medicine will be absorbed into your pet’s system. The drops work by a process of translocation, by which the medication is spread over the body by the way of the oil glands. If the flea or tick sucks the blood from the body of pet he will get the certain death, because of the pesticide.
There are many spot-on treatments available for pooches such as Activyl, Advantage, Frontline Plus, Frontline Top Spot and K9 Advantix etc. This medicine applied once can remain active for four weeks on the pet’s body. Many of them are waterproof treatments which are not affected by bathing, swimming or rain. They kill and repels flea for several weeks and controls the flea life cycle which is in evolution.
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2. Oral Treatment:
Common pests like fleas and ticks are easy to prevent, but the problem caused by them are dangerous. So, it’s important that we protect pets with the help of an effective preventative, to keep the dogs away from flea infestation, skin infections and even Lyme disease at bay. Few years back, the topical treatment was the only solution to protect the pooch from fleas and tick, but now there are oral preventative available in the market and raise in popularity.
Using oral medication along with the spot-on treatment will help to control serious flea infestation. The flea control pills have to be given once in a month to the pet. They come in a meat flavor so that the dog accepts it as a treat. With oral medication, you need not worry about your small children coming into contact with the dog. Oral Flea treatments are more effective some of them are Comfortis, Capster and Program flavor etc. Before giving any oral medication for your pet consult a vet.
3. Flea and Tick Shampoos:
Giving a bath to your pooch with the shampoos which kills fleas and ticks would be a good method to protect your pooch during the flea season. You should give a bath to your pet in every two weeks, as the ingredients used in the shampoo are not so effective and won’t stay for long as an oral medication or spot-on treatment.
4. Flea and Tick Collars:
There are basic two functions of flea and tick collars they are:
Repelling: In a repelling method, it releases a gas that repels the pests. In this case as the flea or tick bites the dog the insecticide kills them which are released from the collar.
Treating: The other is treating; this activates the ingredients which spread using the dog’s natural skin oils. This type of collar kills the fleas and ticks as they come in contact with dog before they bite.
Be careful when choosing a collar; make sure you are taken the appropriate size of collar which fits your dog properly. Always read the labels carefully it may guide you which suits better for your dog.
5. Fleas and Tick Dips:
Dips are used to keep your dog free from fleas and ticks. It is just as a protection shield for a dog. A dip is a concentrated chemical that needs to be diluted in the water and apply to the pet’s body. Before starting with this process protect yourself by wearing gloves. Give a bath to the dog using shampoo and rinse him properly and pat dry. After that, use this diluted dip and apply to the dog’s body with a help of a sponge. Be careful that the solution may not get into your pet’s eyes, nose and ears. Do not rinse the dog after applying this solution let him dry naturally. Before buying any dip consult a vet, as your veterinarian can suggest an effective flea product.
Hope these tips will be very useful to protect your dog from fleas and ticks in this spring season. Take care of your pet and yourself by following the above steps. But, yes be careful when you’re selecting any treatment or product for your dog. It would be good if you consult a veterinarian as they will guide you in a proper way. The vet will understand the product and ingredients which will suit your dog.