Essential Dog Bathing Tips To Skip The Bath Time Battle

essential dog bathing tips

Does your dog have a good hygiene? Probably you might think it is not necessary to do a full grooming regularly because dogs are naturally dirty. But, when you share your home with a dog, it is very important to implement good hygiene boundaries within home. So, whenever your dog is grubby and smelly, you should need to give a courtesy of cleaning session for him. A proper regular bath can extend your dog’s healthy life.

Although Bathing is a key part of ensuring your pet’s health and hygiene, sometimes the wrong products and wrong tricks for bathing can cause more harm than good. To avoid such common blunders, you can do something to make more pleasant and productive experience for both of you.

dog bathing tips

Here are some dos and don’ts for effective dog bathing. Let’s have a quick look:

Do’s and Don’ts For Bathing Your Dog

    • Do use the right bathing products for your dog. His skin is very sensitive and requires your more attention when it comes to choosing best product for bathing. Because there is a wide range of products from high to low quality. Avoid using cheap, poor-quality shampoos, conditioners or human products on your pet. Always choose species specific quality products that specifically formulated with minerals and vitamins to meet dog’s needs.
    • Don’t give daily bathe just like you. When you bath him too often, this can remove pet’s natural oils and make it dry and dreadful. So, it is wise to schedule one to two times bath per month. Or else, bath him whenever he is grubby, stinky, itchy and smelly.
    • Do massage your dog’s skin and fur gently during bathing. It is divine! It is really beneficial for your pet.  A gentle massage reduces stress, lower the blood pressure of dog and make him feel comfortable.
    • Don’t use your hair dryer. After bathing, most of the pet owner use hair dryer to dry dog’s hair promptly, particularly during the cold season. Regardless of your dog’s hair size, always avoid using hair dryer. Its heat can make your dog’s sensitive skin itchy, dry and even burn the skin. Hence, instead of dryer, use a clean towel to dry his hair and let him air dry indoors until he is completely dry.
    • Don’t allow soapy water going directly in the ears or eyes. Prior to bath your dog, put cotton in your dog’s ear and drop of mineral oil into his eyes. Soapy water can cause yeast infections and other severe inner ear infections in his ears. So, always be gentle and constructive when pouring water around his head.
    • Do have a positive and friendly attitude. Many studies show that dog can sense human emotions. So, when you approach the bath with calm, positive attitude, your dog will respond in like. If your dog is less cooperative in the tub, then don’t make it a battle of wills.


Once you figure out the basic tricks of bathing, make bath time fun time and perfect time for good bonding with your furry friend.