Pet Health Myths You Need to Stop Believing
When it comes to pet health, you will find many resources on the internet. However, the real question is, whether the information is based on a fact or myth. When searching for information regarding the health of your pet, it’s vital to check whether it is indeed a fact or just a myth believed by people. Any information backed by a solid reason and fact should be relied on. Otherwise, believing a misconception can have a grave effect on your pet’s health. In fact, there are plenty of misconceptions floating around the web, and we’re here to bust some of the most common pet health misconceptions. So, let’s take a look at some pet health myths and learn about its facts.
Myth #1 A Dog Having A Cold Wet Nose Indicates He’s Healthy
Fact – The temperature of a dog’s nose depends on various factors. Having a cold nose doesn’t necessarily mean he’s healthy. Likewise, a dog with a warm nose isn’t considered sick. The dog’s body temperature is generally higher than us. Moreover, if a dog has been sleeping in a warm place, his nose would be automatically warm. Therefore, diagnosing any health issue based on the dog’s nose temperature is not at all reliable.
Myth #2 Dogs Living Indoors Don’t Need Flea and Tick Preventives
Fact – It is one of the most common myths that pet parents around the world believe in. When it comes to fleas and ticks, it doesn’t mean that your dog will get infested only when he’s playing around in the park. The fleas and ticks may latch onto your dog during his evening walk. In fact, sometimes fleas also enter your house through your shopping bags as well as clothes. Therefore, your dog is never safe from these pesky parasites. As a pet parent, you must administer flea and tick preventative all year round for complete protection from parasites.
Myth #3 Unwell Dogs Eat Grass
Fact – Many pet parents believe that dogs when they are sick, eat grass, and eventually throw up. This isn’t true, as per the study conducted in 2008 by the University of California. Dogs eat grass because well, they like it. And only a small percentage of dogs vomit after eating grass. Therefore, if your dog likes to eat grass, there’s nothing to be concerned about.
Myth #4 There’s No Danger Of Heartworms In My Area
Fact – If there are less flea and tick infestation in your area, you will automatically believe that your dog isn’t at the risk of getting heartworm disease. Well, when it comes to heartworm infection, a single mosquito can put your dog’s life in danger. And this can happen in any area, regardless of the infestation. Hence, we recommend you administer heartworm preventive such as Heartgard Plus to your fido regularly.
Myth #5 Agile Dogs Only Get Kidney Disease
Fact – Generally, kidney disease is seen in older dogs. However, this disease can affect dogs of any age. Upon observing any kind of kidney-related symptoms, such as excessive drinking and urination, pay an immediate visit to the veterinarian.
Myth #6 Table Scraps Are Not Harmful To Dogs
Fact – This is the most common myth believed by pet parents around the world. We often believe that occasional table scraps are innocuous for pets. However, human food can be extremely harmful to your pet. This blog contains a compiled list of foods that pet parents should avoid feeding their dogs, so check it out to keep your furry pal in good health – 10 Food You Should Avoid Feeding Your Dog.
Myth #7 Dogs Are Color Blind
Fact – Well, even you must have thought that dogs are color blind. However, this is not entirely true. Dogs can, in fact, distinguish between a few colors. They aren’t able to see the entire spectrum, though they can recognize blue, violet, and yellow. The colors they can’t differentiate between are green, red, and orange. Therefore, dogs are not actually color blind.
Well, we hope you found these myths and their facts helpful! To spread awareness for pet health, share this blog with other pet parents so they can also become aware of the facts and myths!