Top Five Pet-Friendly Resolutions to Follow This Year 2015

Come New Year, and people all round you start making resolutions. RESOLUTIONS that make your life more meaningful, more successful and a tool that help you reach your dreams. But, being a pet parent, have you realized what resolutions would add worth to you and your four-legged companion’s life.


This year make pet-friendly resolutions in order to achieve more success with your pet. Check here the top five resolutions that help you to be healthy and happy along with your furry pal this year.

Quit Drinking and Smoking

With the New Year setting in, it is always good to take a resolution to quit smoking and drinking. It’s good for your health as well as your furry pal. Exposure to tobacco leads to lung and mouth cancer. Moreover, it also harms passive smokers which your pet may be. So, quit today.

Alcohol abuse is also a threat to your health as well as your pet. Too much intake can be fatal and you may lose your life. This year better travel towards good health with your pet and enjoy a smoke and drink free life.

Be Helping Hand

This year take a step to become a helping hand for some needy. Involve your pet in your plan. Get your dog join pet therapy program where they bring joy in the lives of sick, sad and lonely people.

If you are not lucky enough to have a pet, then you can volunteer to rescue shelters or animal shelter home to provide services. You can even help your neighbor with dog walks or pet sitting. This brings satisfaction and helps improve your mental health.

Work Out

With your pet it’s always good to plan a work out. Plan this year to become healthy. Involve your pet in your exercise schedule and see how you enjoy shedding those extra fats. If your pet is suffering from obesity factor, then make an exercise plan which is good for both you and your furry pal.

Make a habit of healthy eating and do the same for your pet. Bring healthy dog/cat food for your pet. Exercise daily with your pooch and see how you both lose weight and become healthy at the end of the year.

Save Environment

We receive so many favors from Mother Earth. It is our duty to pay back her favor by saving our environment. As our pets cannot take necessary steps to save Earth, all the responsibility lies on us. Your simple acts such as buying biodegradable pet waste bags, environment-friendly cat litter box, and picking up dog litter avoid contaminating the soil and waterways. Ty to pick cat and dog play products which are made from natural fiber, rather than choosing plastic toys.

Make less use of chemicals in cleaning home which can be harmful to both you and your pets and add pollution to environment. Make maximum use of herbal products for your pet care. This not only saves environment but also keep you and your pet healthy. Make a resolution to be environmental friendly this year.

Network with People More

Get involve with more people this year along with your pet. Make more pet friends by being social. Taking your dog on a walk you can make more friends with other dog people. This helps to exchange common thoughts about your pets and can help you get some information regarding your pet health or nature which you may be not knowing.

Start this year, with these top five pet-friendly resolutions and see how you bring a new change and joy in your life along with your lovable companion.