Check The Diseases That Fleas Spread- Use Of Preventives Inevitable!


“You should use flea treatment for pets regularly”, are the common words heard by almost all the pet owners. However rarely the pet parents may know what would happen if they do not use reliable parasite preventives apart from severe scratching and itching. There are a number of diseases spread by fleas which makes the use of preventives inevitable. Let’s check what risks your pets are exposed to when you think otherwise!

Diseases spread by Fleas:

1. Flea Allergy Dermatitis- The most common one

Several dogs are extremely allergic to the saliva of fleas. Thus when fleas bite and their saliva come in contact with the host’s skin, this condition is likely to be developed. Flea Allergy Dermatitis is the most common flea disease seen in dogs. The basic symptoms of FAD are excessive scratching, licking or biting around the tail, back or groin. So if your dog is not on any preventive then his excessive scratching may not be as normal as you may think.

2. Tapeworms- Absurd, but true!

You may think how could a flea transmit a digestive tract parasite, are you? Well, though absurd, it is absolutely true. The other weird thing is that dogs may eat fleas. If the flea that your pooch ingests carries tapeworm larvae then you pooch is almost 100% at risk of this infestation. Growth of tapeworm from larval stage may result several health issues for tykes such as nutritional deficiency, weight loss and debilitation.

3. Plague- Not common, but dangerous

Ring the bell? Yes, this plague is the same that engulfed over one third of the European population in the middle age. However, this disease is no more a threat for humans but is definitely for pets. If the flea has had an infected host and then feeds on your pooch then its transmission is definite. Plague infected dogs may show symptoms like fever, swollen lymph nodes, and may even die suddenly without much warning.

So, how will you protect your pooches from these diseases? It is simple; don’t keep your dogs exposed to the risk of catching these flea induced illnesses. Use of flea treatments is the ultimate prevention technique from such diseases. If you observe any symptoms of the above treatments it is recommended to see your vet immediately.

In all, it may be a lot better if you do not stop using flea preventives, be it any season. There are many flea controls available that may help protecting your furry friends. Frontline Plus, Advantage and K9 Advantix are some of the most popular flea treatments.